Easton Place

March 2016 Desktop Wallpaper


Happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a nice combination of family time, social time and relaxing. Luckily, Spring is gearing up to make an appearance here in New England. Of course, that doesn't mean we won't see snow again before all is said and done, but fingers are definitely crossed that we're moving right along into the bloom season!

I'm a couple days late on posting this, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same. Here is this month's free desktop wallpaper! I didn't want to go all out with the St. Patrick's day theme, but I did want to offer a wee bit of a nod toward the holiday. Shades of green it is, then! Enjoy. And as the Irish saying goes: "If you're enough lucky to be Irish... You're lucky enough!" Guess that makes me lucky enough.

Click on the links below the desktop image (Large or Small) to download your free wallpaper for March. If you decide to share this on your own site, please link back to this post and give credit. Thanks so much!


Branding Client Reveal: CafeTerraBlog


Goooooooood day, everyone! How are you doing this fine March day? I took a bit of a break from blogging in February. Sometimes life gets busy, work gets busy. And sometimes you just decide to take a break. A bit of all of those things were my February. I'm back now, and I am SO excited to show you my latest branding client: CafeTerraBlog.

Terra is a lady of many talents! She's a blogger, a foodie, and an author. I design the book covers for Terra's other self, Author Terra Kelly. I've been working with Terra for a little over a year. And from the beginning, she and I just hit it off. We've known each other online for several years via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram ... the usual places. I was so excited when Terra asked me to create a new logo for her blog, which she wanted redesigned. As a side note, I was thrilled to refer Terra to a web design team here in Connecticut, Jen and Steve of Moonlight Website Design. Moonlight did a great job!

Terra wanted a logo that would combine her two work loves: writing books and food! And I believe I've given her exactly that! I love the end results, but more importantly, Terra loves her new logo. 

CafeTerraBlog logo by Easton Place

I was also asked to design various web elements: social media buttons, link markers etc. How fun are these veggie social buttons? I adore them!

CafeTerraBlog social media buttons by Easton Place

And to finish off the package, I designed link markers in keeping with the garden theme.

CafeTerraBlog garden signs by Easton Place

So all of these elements have come together on the CafeTerraBlog and they look like this...

I absolutely love designing a logo and elements for a client, and then knowing it's exactly what the client wanted... hardly a better feeling of accomplishment! I loved working with Terra, and you'll love reading her blog and books! Head over to CafeTerraBlog and say hello.

If you are looking for a new logo or web elements, or any other design needs for your website or business, please contact me so we can discuss collaborating! I'm currently booking for April.

February 2016 Desktop Wallpaper


Hello February! Lovely of you to show up just in time. I, for one, am always happy to see January move right along. I'm more a fan of Spring, Summer and Autumn than I am Winter, so each day closer to bidding farewell to Winter is a wonderful day! 

As promised, I'm designing a fresh new desktop wallpaper for each month this year, and here is your February download! It features a mellow sky, single red feather, and a line from one of my favorite songs, Nature Boy. February is typically all about Valentines Day, but V-Day isn't for everyone. Some find the holiday to be hokey, or just overwhelming. Some are still trying to stick to that New Year Resolution of dropping 15 pounds, and the added temptation of chocolates and Valentine sweets is tough on one's willpower! So with this month's wallpaper design, I decided to encourage you to love and be loved: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return". If you've never listened to the song, please do. It's lovely. I originally heard it as performed by the amazing Nat King Cole, but one of my favorite contemporary groups, Pomplamoose, offers their lovely take on it.

Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn recorded their FPA Live Session @ ReadyMix Music studio 12.21.09.

I hope you enjoy this month's free download. Feel free to share it, but please give credit and a link back here. Thanks so much!


Bits of Last Week - 1.26.16


Hello friends. It's been a busy couple of weeks since posting my last "Bits of Last Week", so I'll be share some images from the past two weeks. 

Molly Mousse was spayed last week. The surgery went well with nothing unexpected. She sported a blue felt cone for a week, which she actually didn't mind wearing! When I would remove it for walks she would complain. Once a walk was over, she would get very excited to have her cone back on her neck. Such a silly puppy. I love her bunches.

Winter finally arrived! I love the way the shadows move across the snowy backdrop in the garden.

Winter finally arrived! I love the way the shadows move across the snowy backdrop in the garden.

Art is all around us. This handsome statue is in the front garden of a local elementary school.

Art is all around us. This handsome statue is in the front garden of a local elementary school.

I found this gluggle pitcher for practically pennies! I've wanted one for a while and stumbled upon this selling for $4.99!

I found this gluggle pitcher for practically pennies! I've wanted one for a while and stumbled upon this selling for $4.99!

A new Paddywax soy candle now graces my desk. The scent: Cardamom, Absinthe, Sandalwood

A new Paddywax soy candle now graces my desk. The scent: Cardamom, Absinthe, Sandalwood

Saturdays are for proper breakfasts! And yes, this is grain-free. Against the Grain Gourmet makes grain free breads. This sesame bagel is pretty darn good! Special thank you to my friend Bridgett, who introduced me to the line of grain free goodies!

Saturdays are for proper breakfasts! And yes, this is grain-free. Against the Grain Gourmet makes grain free breads. This sesame bagel is pretty darn good! Special thank you to my friend Bridgett, who introduced me to the line of grain free goodies!