Happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a nice combination of family time, social time and relaxing. Luckily, Spring is gearing up to make an appearance here in New England. Of course, that doesn't mean we won't see snow again before all is said and done, but fingers are definitely crossed that we're moving right along into the bloom season!
I'm a couple days late on posting this, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same. Here is this month's free desktop wallpaper! I didn't want to go all out with the St. Patrick's day theme, but I did want to offer a wee bit of a nod toward the holiday. Shades of green it is, then! Enjoy. And as the Irish saying goes: "If you're enough lucky to be Irish... You're lucky enough!" Guess that makes me lucky enough.
Click on the links below the desktop image (Large or Small) to download your free wallpaper for March. If you decide to share this on your own site, please link back to this post and give credit. Thanks so much!