Hello February! Lovely of you to show up just in time. I, for one, am always happy to see January move right along. I'm more a fan of Spring, Summer and Autumn than I am Winter, so each day closer to bidding farewell to Winter is a wonderful day!
As promised, I'm designing a fresh new desktop wallpaper for each month this year, and here is your February download! It features a mellow sky, single red feather, and a line from one of my favorite songs, Nature Boy. February is typically all about Valentines Day, but V-Day isn't for everyone. Some find the holiday to be hokey, or just overwhelming. Some are still trying to stick to that New Year Resolution of dropping 15 pounds, and the added temptation of chocolates and Valentine sweets is tough on one's willpower! So with this month's wallpaper design, I decided to encourage you to love and be loved: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return". If you've never listened to the song, please do. It's lovely. I originally heard it as performed by the amazing Nat King Cole, but one of my favorite contemporary groups, Pomplamoose, offers their lovely take on it.
Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn recorded their FPA Live Session @ ReadyMix Music studio 12.21.09.
I hope you enjoy this month's free download. Feel free to share it, but please give credit and a link back here. Thanks so much!