Easton Place

Primary Bathroom Remodel


December 26, 2013 my primary bathroom was a shining example of the styling from 1998. Brass everywhere. A huge corner jetted tub (cream, of course) took up most of the space and made opening the windows nearly impossible. The large square tiles were speckled shades of tan and matched the tiles in our kids' bathroom at the time. The first owners probably saved a little money by selecting one style of tile. Everything was working, technically, but in terms of reflecting my personal taste, the room was way off the mark. It was time for a change. 

I knew what I wanted my bathroom to look like, and what fixtures I wanted. In my mind's eye, I had completely reworked the room. I gave my contractor the link to my Pinterest boards, and this proved to be very valuable.

mirror: WHITBY MEDICINE CABINET by Restoration Hardware (RH). crystal ball wall sconces: WILSHIRE SINGLE SCONCE by RH. pulls, knobs, hooks and town bar: VINTAGE by RH. tub & loo: MEMOIRS by Kohler. faucets: WEYMOUTH by Moen. paint: WHITE DIAMOND and ROCK GRAY by Benjamin Moore

I have to admit, I was so happy to see all of that brass and tan leave the house. And the new double-hung windows made such a difference! I'm so excited to share the before, during, and after photos of the space. I absolutely love my new bathroom.  

Recent Design Work: April 2015


My little design studio has been busy! So many wonderful design projects. Three of them are just finishing up and I hope to be able to reveal them in a couple of weeks! That being said, there are two projects I can share with you today.

The first is the second book cover design for Terra Kelly's "The Winters Family Series"! This second book cover is a less steamy, but I can tell you now that book three will more than make up for it! Whew!! Hot, Hot, Hot! Book two's cover is sweeter, and I love it. You can order both books on Amazon/Kindle here.

Author Terra Kelly's Second Book Need You

The second reveal today is a poster I did for the Third Annual Martha's Vineyard Wine Fest, being held in May. You might recall I attended last year's event and wrote all about it. This year's event sounds like it's going to be even more fabulous and delicious! 

Martha's Vineyard Wine Fest 2015

That's really all I can share with you today, but I will tell you I have three new business logos to show you soon, as well as a website design and a few extra goodies! I've really been so incredibly blessed with great clients and awesome design jobs. 2015 may have had a rough start with a very harsh Winter, but work-wise I am loving this year!

Cheers! -Patti

April Photo Challenge


Hi friends, and Happy Spring! I'm hoping the New England area has seen it's last snow storm of the season and we can move on to greener views outside. Spring is such a great time for inspiration, renewal, reenergizing, refreshing... And it's also a great time to start a daily photo challenge! 

I've headed daily photo challenges in the past, but it's been a while. I decided to join forces with my CT Etsy team, Nutmeg Collective and post the photo challenge over there! With the help of fellow members Alonda of Designer Dwellings, and Kristen of Milo and Molly, we've come up with a list of daily subjects. In case this is your first time participating in a photo challenge, here are the basics: Each day has a subject you're suppose to photograph. You can use a "fancy camera" if you have one, but you can also just use the camera on your phone! Post the day's photo on Instagram and/or Twitter using the hashtag #NutmegDailyPic. At the end of each month, the Nutmeg Collective team will choose & post a few of their favorite images, and link back to those chosen social media accounts. That's it! This is meant to be fun and inspiring, so don't worry if you miss a day or two. Enjoy it!

The challenge begins April 1, 2015, but if you're reading this after April 1, and still want to join the challenge, jump in! Be sure to tag you images with #NutmegDailyPic so we can find you!

I'm looking forward to seeing all your shots!