Easton Place

Bits of Last Week - 1-8-16


The first week of the new year was filled with family, work, puppy time, design, food... in other words it was wonderful! Here are just a few things I captured along the way. 

Southport beach has been a bit grey, but fully beautiful.

Southport beach has been a bit grey, but fully beautiful.

Molly's first BarkBox subscription arrived. She approved!

Molly's first BarkBox subscription arrived. She approved!

I planned out all of January's blog posts & most of February's with a little help from Kate Spade.

I planned out all of January's blog posts & most of February's with a little help from Kate Spade.

It's cozy in my studio with a few tulips and a $3 striped pitcher from Target!

It's cozy in my studio with a few tulips and a $3 striped pitcher from Target!

Mild winter temperatures makes taking a hike with Molly Mousse much easier!

Mild winter temperatures makes taking a hike with Molly Mousse much easier!

I spent the day in NYC with my hubby. Grand Central Terminal always takes my breath away. I never tire of her beauty.

I spent the day in NYC with my hubby. Grand Central Terminal always takes my breath away. I never tire of her beauty.

Lunch at Carmine's in NYC is always festive and delicious!

Lunch at Carmine's in NYC is always festive and delicious!

I wish I could share some of my work from January's opening week, but it's still in the "hush hush" stage. I can tell you I will reveal two new logo clients as well as some custom web elements. Stay tuned!

2015 Year in Review


Hello friends! Happy, happy new year to you. I don't know about you, but for me, 2015 was packed with highs, lows, work, family, adventure, home updates... whew! Overall, I would say 2015 was filled with all the things life can throw at you. I thought I'd recap a bit of my work year. If you're a blogger and have a 2015 review, leave a link below! I'd love to read about your year.

2015 proved to be a really fun year in the studio. I designed for new clients, and continued working with many of my existing clients. Designs ranged from 2" round stickers to my first billboard, and many projects in between. Below are just a few of my 2015 pieces. I feel blessed beyond words to have been able to work with so many wonderful people (and family members) this past year. 

sampling of 2015 logos

sampling of 2015 logos

Crave restaurant work sample: billboard, postcard, fb profile image

Crave restaurant work sample: billboard, postcard, fb profile image

Book cover designs and fb & twitter headers for Author Terra Kelly

Book cover designs and fb & twitter headers for Author Terra Kelly

Misc. design work: logos, headers, instruction sheets, labels, posters....

Misc. design work: logos, headers, instruction sheets, labels, posters....

Here's to another year of designing! I'm hoping 2016 is as fun and full as 2015 was for this little design studio! Wishing you all a happy, healthy and blessed year.

xoxo, -Patti

2016 New Year Desktop Wallpaper


Hi friends! So 2016, huh? Can you believe it? A new year, new opportunities, new challenges, new beginnings, new ideas... they're all part of each January. I'm not one for New Year resolutions, but I am a person who loves the idea of starting fresh and resetting my outlook, attitude, professional and personal compass etc. at the start of the new year. With that in mind, one of my goals of 2015 and continuing into 2016, is to do my best to find joy in ordinary things each day. I know when I make a conscious decision to look at each day with a grateful heart, my day seems to be a happier day in general. To help me remember this, I designed this month's desktop wallpaper with the saying "find joy in the ordinary" on a sunny background. Go ahead and grab the file for yourself. Maybe it will be just what you need to help you focus on the simple joys each day. I've included both small and large sizing so you can use it on a laptop or your larger monitors. Enjoy!


Bits of Last Week


We've officially entered the final countdown to Christmas! Last week seemed to be the busiest between design work, holiday shopping, meeting with friends, puppy training, and life in general. I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks, honestly. While I do enjoy this time of year for all its festivities and excitement, I look forward to my end-of-year-break from the busy schedules. The only things I've planned for next week, are regular soaks in my tub and catching up on some reading. Until then, here are some bits from last week (or so).