My sweet Aggie
Hello friends! It's been a long time since I've touched base with you all. Much has happened over the past several months. Some sad and lots happy, all part of life. If you follow my Instagram and Twitter accounts you probably already know my sweet Aggie died of acute leukemia in late summer. It was a terribly painful time for me and my family. In all honesty, I'm still in the healing process. Aggie was an important part of my life as well as the lives of my husband and children. We gave her the best life possible and she was mostly comfortable and pain-free until her final day. Chemo was not too rough on her, but after only 5 weeks of treatment, it was no longer effective. Making the decision to call off treatment and put her down is the toughest thing I've had to do. It was the right thing for Aggie though, and I have peace in my heart knowing I didn't let her suffer just so I could enjoy her company a few more days.
Molly Mousse the Whoodle
Again, if you follow my social media feeds, you know we welcomed a new fur-baby into our family on September 22. Her name is Molly Mousse and she's a Black Whoodle (Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier / Poodle Mix) with more spunk and attitude than I've ever experienced! We're still in the thick of teaching her the rules of the house... mainly that she isn't actually the boss of everyone. Ha! Who am I kidding? She's totally the boss right now. We've nicknamed her "The Ninja Puppy" because she's so hard to catch, and she often sneak up on you if you're not paying attention! I've already fallen madly in love with her!
In October I celebrated a fairly large birthday (no need to go into details), and my husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage. I feel incredibly blessed to have him in my life as my partner, best friend, love. It seems like only yesterday we were planning our wedding, and now here it is twenty years later! Time really does fly when you're having fun.
November brought our home a new powder room, and some sprucing up in the living room as well as a new dining room. Everything happened just in time to host a family gathering for Thanksgiving. I'll share photos in another post at a later time.
And here it is December! The grand holiday month for so many! In my home we celebrate Chanukah with our boys, and I personally celebrate a peaceful and spiritual Christmas on my own. In honor of Christmas, I've put together a fun (and free) downloadable wallpaper for your desktop or laptop! Instead of designing a 2016 calendar, this year I've decided to design monthly wallpapers for your computer. And what better time to start than now. Just follow the link below to grab your Christmas Checklist wallpaper by Easton Place!
Christmas Wallpaper: Large Christmas Wallpaper: Small
I hope your have a most joyous holiday season. May you find and be the love and peace in the world this year and in the years to come.
Much love. -Patti