Easton Place


April Photo Challenge


Hi friends, and Happy Spring! I'm hoping the New England area has seen it's last snow storm of the season and we can move on to greener views outside. Spring is such a great time for inspiration, renewal, reenergizing, refreshing... And it's also a great time to start a daily photo challenge! 

I've headed daily photo challenges in the past, but it's been a while. I decided to join forces with my CT Etsy team, Nutmeg Collective and post the photo challenge over there! With the help of fellow members Alonda of Designer Dwellings, and Kristen of Milo and Molly, we've come up with a list of daily subjects. In case this is your first time participating in a photo challenge, here are the basics: Each day has a subject you're suppose to photograph. You can use a "fancy camera" if you have one, but you can also just use the camera on your phone! Post the day's photo on Instagram and/or Twitter using the hashtag #NutmegDailyPic. At the end of each month, the Nutmeg Collective team will choose & post a few of their favorite images, and link back to those chosen social media accounts. That's it! This is meant to be fun and inspiring, so don't worry if you miss a day or two. Enjoy it!

The challenge begins April 1, 2015, but if you're reading this after April 1, and still want to join the challenge, jump in! Be sure to tag you images with #NutmegDailyPic so we can find you!

I'm looking forward to seeing all your shots!


Instagram Spotlight no.3


Hi friends! Instagram Spotlight no.3 is here featuring an interior designer, a prop stylist, and a food and lifestyle photographer. All three have gorgeous photos with inspiration in each frame. Please give them a look and a follow! Be sure to let me know of any Instagram accounts you think I should be following or even featuring here! And if you've not done so already, follow me on Instagram.



Instagram Spotlight no.1


One of my favorite social media sites is Instagram. I post at least one photo nearly everyday. It's a great way to share the personal side of Easton Place Design Studio. It's also a wonderful place to find inspiration. I'm starting a new weekly feature, here in my Journal, highlighting 2 or 3 Instagram accounts that I find inspiring. Accounts will range in size of followers, but I think all of them will give you a bit of inspiration with their images. If you've not already followed my Instagram account, please do! Perhaps you'll want to follow these first three accounts I'm showcasing as well. (This is not an endorsement post. I just like sharing beauty when I see it.)


Doors of Europe


I don't know when my interest in doors began. It feels like it was always there. I started a Pinterest board devoted to doors quite a while ago, but I think my attraction to doors was well established before Pinterest was born.

This summer while traveling in Europe I couldn't help but snap several photos of doors. From the size, to the hardware and the shape, one cannot escape these impressive portals and their grand accessories! Enjoy...