Easton Place


Instagram Spotlight no.2


This week's Instagram Spotlight showcases one of my online friends, Amy Beth Cupp Dragoo (abcddesigns), who has impeccable taste. She shares her love of flowers, food, home decor and her very handsome American Standard Poodle, Tauren. Amy and her husband have just closed on a new stone house so I'm really looking forward to seeing what she shares of the renovations!

abcddesigns instagram feature on Easton Place Design Studio Journal

The second Instagram account showcased is another "NatGeo" site, NatGeoTravel. Their recent shot of Scotland took my breath away. I can hardly wait to visit!

natgeotravel instagram feature on Easton Place Design Studio

And this week's third feature is Ben Hole (benjaminhole). His photos show the beauty in farming via the English countryside. Cows, pigs, dogs and that gorgeous country backdrop make for dreamy images. 

benjamin hole instagram feature on Easton Place Design Studio

I hope you enjoy my recommendations and give these accounts a follow.
