One of my favorite retailers is Terrain. They have terrific buyers who fill the shop with gorgeous goods for the home and garden. I'm fortunate enough to live within 20 minutes of a Terrain. This past weekend I decided I'd plant the terrarium again. Technically, the planter belongs to my older son. When he was roughly 10 years old, he asked for a terrarium for his birthday. He enjoyed planting the terrarium for a couple of years, but with age comes other interests and eventually the glass planter found itself in storage.
This beautiful tree fungus (discovered during one of our hikes) inspired me.
On Saturday I collected the terrarium from storage, cleaned it up, and gave it another go. Terrain has an amazing selection of small terrariums, plants and accessories. Most plants are $5 each and accessories as low as $4, so the investment isn't a large one. I chose a handful of plants, a sweet faux mushroom and a jar of green glass bits. I already had a collection of fresh moss from a hike with my husband last week which completed look. Truth is, I seem to have a "black thumb", but every now and again I try planting something. Wish me luck!
Matthew and I found this beautiful moss on our last hike.
I couldn't resist picking out a mini (faux) mushroom.
Looks like a scene right from the forest.