Easton Place

Summer Travels in Europe

"europe", "france", "israel", "mr. porter", "music", "nablopomo", "paris", "playlist", "spotify", "travel"Easton Place
My husband and I are planning our first real vacation, sans children, since our first child was born nearly 16 years ago! It's very exciting, and a little unsettling to be completely honest. Our younger son as been asking to attend his usual summer camp for both sessions and this year I finally agreed. This means he'll be enjoying camp life for a full seven weeks! He's incredibly excited and I'm trying not to think about missing him for so many weeks. Our older son is traveling to Switzerland, The Czech Republic, Poland and Israel with his camp this summer. They will be traveling for the better part of 6 weeks! And while I'm going to miss him equally, I am feeling very blessed to be able to offer him this opportunity. All of this camp-fun for our children means my husband and I will have at least 6 weeks to ourselves and THAT equals travel time!

At this point, we're planning on spending 10 days in Israel, one of which will be with our oldest son and his group. The camp organizes a parents' trip and we're jumping at the chance! We figured while we're "across the pond" we'd spend some time in France and possibly England after our stay in Israel.  I came across a photo on the fabulous site, Mr. Porter, and it's inspired me to put together a playlist that I can listen to while planning and dreaming about our Summer travels. Have a listen, enjoy, dream, plan...  Are you planning any trips this Summer?

photo, curtesy of Mr. Porter, Journal. please be sure to explore their site for inspiration
