Well here I am at day 30 of
NaBloPoMo and I'm feeling pretty good! I started the month of April, accepting a challenge from my
Twitter friend, Liz Thompson. All I had to do was post on my blog every. single. day. of April. Easy, right? Honestly, not always easy. I began with being completely organized and writing blog posts ahead of schedule, but ended with squeezing in a blog post at 10:00 at night (or later!). The bottom line is... I did it and I enjoyed it! I can't say I'm ready to try it again, but I will tell you it was a positive challenge. It forced me to be creative everyday. Creativity is a good thing, especially when you're in a design business such as Easton Place! I hope you enjoyed this month of blogging. If you missed any posts, scroll through! Let me know which post is your favorite. I can tell from analytics which posts received the most views (Master Bedroom and Breakfast Nook), but I'd love to know from you what you'd like to see more of or maybe less of in future posts.
Below are recaps of each post, grouped by week. Thank you for reading! I hope you continue to stop by my blog and maybe even my
Pinterest and
week one |
week two |
week three |
week four |
April 29th |